enjoy eats edible fruits & gummies

Welcome to Enjoy Eats, a blog on creative recipes and treats made with Enjoy Snacks. Some of these treats are curated from people in the community, and some are created by our team at Enjoy Snacks. To be featured in Enjoy Eats, tag us on Instagram or Facebook. How do you #enjoyeats?

Today, we feature a treat created by our team at Enjoy Snacks called Edible Fruits & Gummies.



See the original post on Instagram.


  1. Grad your favorite fruit! There’s no limit to the amount of fruit or the arrangement.

  2. Pick out the Enjoy Snacks 3D Gummy candies that pair the best with the fruit you have selected.

  3. Mix them around in a bowl or container.

  4. Add any extra other features like sticks, drinks and other treats for added fun

  5. Enjoy!

That wraps up our Edible Fruits & Gummies blog on Enjoy Eats! To be featured in Enjoy Eats, tag us on Instagram or Facebook. How do you #enjoyeats?


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